Friday, July 31, 2020

Gary and Everill Muir on CD!

Gary and Everill Muir - Bright Fine Gold - The Best Of  (Aug 17th 2020)

Before Gary and Everill Muir recorded for Thunderbird Recording in 1976, they had a previous folk career based in New Zealand. This brand new CD collects all their New Zealand folk music and the two songs for Thunderbird all in one place. Twenty-three great songs transferred from vinyl to digital files at the Mouton Music Studios. This collection spans their entire career from 1965 to 1977. This collection is being released as a digital CD, a physical CD, and can be listened to at YouTube as well. This wonderful collection is available for $19.99 Canadian, postage paid to anywhere on the planet, and also from Thom Ryerson personally. The digital versions are available at i-Tunes and Amazon Music, and can also be viewed at YouTube.  

Here is the track listing: